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Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's My Birthday!

Getting old ain’t for sissies.
- Betty Davis

Today is my birthday.
Wow!  How did I get to this point,
this age between being young and old?
A milestone of existence.
You'd think I’d know a little something about life by now.
Yet sometimes I still feel so naïve.
Being apart of this world, this mysterious Universe,
leaves me feeling like I have just begun to get it.
This birthday celebration is more like life reflection.

My recollections of life...
a gift of experiences; yields understanding
clearly collecting in my consciousness,
so many truths that illuminate insight.
Birthdays measure life's chapters
Of our time on earth.
A Collection of memories
Fill my daily reality
And mould my existence.
Born into this amazing world
Life has brought many friends...
Many are my best friends.
Today is a wonderful day
For I have lived this long lol!
This is a great day for me.
And many birthday wishes
have made it extra special.
Here I am at the beginning of my journey 
 My older sister thought it 
would be fun to dress me up in this gown
Yay, pretty cute lol!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Sweet November Skies

The crisp air drifted in
with November's sweet arrival.
The drizzle has ended
leaving a crystal-clear view.
I stood on the deck watching
the November sky
recede into the distance
...into the vault of Heaven
…into the azure night.
Each breath heals like a
balm for my restless spirit.
November's horizon beckons
... come, let us rest awhile.
I will always remember,
when it comes ‘round to November

Sunset from our deck

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