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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Welcome Spring

“The festival of the spring equinox speaks of freshness and youth, 
of excitement and endless possibilities. 
Nature begins to quicken and early flowers open to the warmth 
of the strengthening sun, bringing the colours of lemon and yellow 
into our lives on the wings of a March wind.”
― Carole Carton 

As we say farewell to the long, ragged winter, anticipation of spring is felt deep within our spirit. This renewed spark is the essence of our connection to the Earth. After our deep hibernation under the cloak of winter's abundance, spring is a most welcoming season.
During winter's embrace we shield ourselves
from the cold landscape.
We quietly hunker down to rejuvenate ourselves in
anticipation of future blossoms.
This deep freeze partially hides us from one and other.

Spring’s arrival beckons us to awaken!
As the days become brighter, our souls yearn to reconnect.
As the days grow longer,
so do our walks and chats with neighbours.
At Spring's first blush, we eagerly emerge from winter's hold,
realizing our good fortune of living in such a diverse and
miraculous world, which we have the honour of calling home.

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