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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blind Trust

~Thoughts from nature's perspective regarding the oil spill in the gulf~

Blind Trust

Who are we?

We float free.

Who are they?

They regret the day.

Who are we?

We fly free.

Who are they?

They weep and pray.

Who are we?

We run free.

Where are they?

They have lost their way.

"Not until we connect to the earth will we ever consider it worth saving!"
"The Earth can be our Heaven, if we just surrender to her charm."

♥  © Hεlεɳa ωђίԵε

One Shot Poetry Wednesday
German Poet
Claudia Schoenfeld hosts this week!


  1. An absolutely poignant and beautifully written poem. The picture of the earth &moon with the heart is to beautiful to describe.Thanks for sharing.

  2. I enjoyed your poem, as well as the insight about it coming from nature's perspective up top, that helped my reading of it and enriched your poem. Thank you!


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