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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Human spirits are uniting across our world
through a conscious connection, seeking illumination.

Much the same way a pendulum
swings freely, we move from the
Eternal Horizon, out across the ocean of life,
only to return to where our soul once began
this remarkable journey.

Within this infinite Universe we are all
striving for the same things.
To live, love and be accepted
for ourselves and our individuality,
to be recognized and respected,
all while slowly awakening.

When we are sincere in our convictions to
live at higher consciousness;
we will find an Angel within our reach
to lift us beyond our human
limitations to bridge the Celestial Sphere.

Sunset from our back deck


  1. This is so beautiful. Yes we all do strive for the same things. So well written and real. Susie

  2. This is wonderful and very peaceful. i love the pictures. The line to live love and be accepted is especially nice.

  3. amen. yes i think you may be onto something here...smiles.

  4. Only to return where our soul once began, so true. The beginning always with us.

    I too feel this desire for Higher Consciousness, and loved the reminder here in your beautiful poem.

    Thank you!

  5. Celestial sphere? Take your pick - there are lots... :)


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