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Tuesday, May 17, 2011



Little girl beside the sea
Won’t you come and play with me
Filling pails one by one
We will have so much fun
Where’s your hat
that one with the tassel
You can wear it
when we make sandcastles


Having a little fun

Illustration by: Carmen L. Browne - 1917


  1. a delightful verse...with a catchy cadence...perfect for kids...

  2. And lots of sunblock, these days! :)

  3. What a sweet and lovely poem.Perfect for the comming summer

  4. So sweet...I can picture a floppy hat with a tassel as the sea blesses her with a beautiful sand castle....bkm

  5. You are nominated under children’s literature category, please take some time to
    Vote before July 2,
    Have fun exploring your peer’s poetry/short stories,
    Thanks for the time!
    Your submission is pot of gold to us…
    Bless your day…..

  6. Delightful... fun loving memories.


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